Sunday, March 08, 2009

New Finds

Its amazing to me how time really does fly. In a quiet house with the baby and hubby taking naps and me on the computer to "work"......I look up and times up. I sat down last night to edit and check email before bed and thought I would check up on some of my favorite blogs. THREE hours later I'm off on a rabbit trail 9 blogs deep. How does that happen?

I love being able to be apart of my friends daily lives and although I love the verbal or face to face contact its great to catch up on their weekend through blogs. Tonight I ran across a couple really fun blogs. One, great recipes for when you just get in a rut. And another, thanks Amanda, that has some GREAT do it yourself crafts to do with little ones. I know my 10 month old is too young for finger painting, glue and scissors but I cant wait to tackle some of these fun, and educational crafts with him!

Check them out, on the left side of this page, under blogs I love!


Amanda said...

I do the same thing! I get in bed and Raymond is like "Why are you just getting in bed at 1:30 in the morning???" That blog surfing is crazy! Glad you liked the one I posted!