Saturday, July 04, 2009

If you cant beat 'em......

We have a problem. Its annoying. I guess its more my problem but its a behavior I have been working to correct since toys found their way into our house.

The culprit - Cooper. Unfortunately, toddler toys (especially boy toys) look like dog toys. Cooper seems to think that all of Christopher's balls are meant for him. On the plus side, he doesn't want to eat or chew them, he just carries them in his mouth and ...the worst part.....PACES. EVERYWHERE. NON-STOP. Its driving me a little nuts.

In recent past I would grab the ball out of his mouth, clean it off and tell cooper no. He would then go find another ball and repeat.
I gave up when he had a ball in his mouth that didn't really belong to a toy and I didn't really care what happened to it. But, then decided I was teaching bad behaviors.

FINALLY, I got smart. Well, actually Cooper picked up the wrong ball. He found a golf ball. Hard, cant be punctured and best of all NOT Christopher's.

It was pretty funny to watch Cooper torture himself with this ball because he would pace, so I made him go in the kitchen where he could pace all he wanted without bugging C and I. Then, he finally wore himself out and gave up. VICTORY......well, small and just for that day.

So now, I keep a handful of golf balls around when Coop feels the need to have a ball in his mouth and its pretty much broken the habit.

I say if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!


M said...

Brilliant move with the golf balls.

When we spawn, Wilbur will be the one to swipe toys. Sadie leaves things that aren't hers (with the exception of my good earphones) alone.