Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Just call me Dada

Christopher and I just had the following "conversation" :

Me: Am I your Mama?

C: Dada

Me: No, I'm the Mama.

C: Dogs?

Me: They are night night in the kennel

C: Tank to (thank you) Dada

Me: You are welcome

C: Bye Bye

Then he folds his arms across his chest (his latest post) and heads off to our bathroom (kennel) and talks to the dogs (barks at them) through the door.

Still not sure who had a better conversation. Me or the dogs. But at least its our first conversation. I'm just hoping I get a "mama" before he leaves for kindergarten!


Amanda said...

Ok That's too cute. Hmm...I wonder if Amanda's girls are still sick? I may need to give her a call to counterack my womb throbbing.