Thursday, October 02, 2008

5 months old!

Today Christopher turns 5 months old. I cant believe he is that big. It seems like just last week I was trying to figure out how to manage a shower a day and get more than 6 hours of sleep a night.

We have been blessed with the sweetest baby!!

Today I took C to the Dr to get caught up on some shots (since we are delaying vaccs) and to have a little patch on his arm checked. All was well and it looks like we might just be dealing with a little dry skin irritation that wont go away or a mild reaction to starting cereal.

Of course I cant resist the opportunity to weigh lil man. Today......whopping 15 lbs. He gained over a pound and a half in a month but STILL only in the 25%. At least hes gaining weight, hes just a little guy ;)

Finally, Im busting out the awesome baby food maker mom bought me for mother's day to start with the foods next week. Look for pics to come!

Im off for a walk and snuggle time with my little man!


Amanda said...

We need new pics!!!!!

I think he may have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen on a baby! Or maybe it's his mommy's wicked photography skills!